I'm still a work in progress!

Hi there!

I'm thinking this site will be mostly to post about birdwatching, but also for my general screaming-into-the-void

Fun facts about me:

Waving lesbian pride flag. To my ex: Fuck you. Fuck your cartoon hotdog husband. Fuck his stupid sunglasses. And fuck the ketchup kids.


A powerful wizard has hit me with a beam which compells me to make this website all pink and cutesy and pixel-art-y, despite the fact that I know nothing about pixel art and have more important things to do. So expect to wait even longer for a usable website, possibly forever because while I'm certainly willing to learn the basics of html, I can't say I'm gonna try that hard.

In other news, I finally had enough good weather and free time to go birdwatching for the first time in weeks, and it's BABY DUCK SEASON!!!! AND BABY GOOSE SEASON!!! Saw some hummingbirds I failed to conclusively identify because they're females and they all look the fucking same (I THINK they were black-throated hummingbirds but who's to say??). Also got to witness a few crows fighting a hawk which I ALSO can't identify because plumage is so unreliable and every time I see one I'm too busy going "OH MY GOD A HAWK :DD" to think about things like tail shape. Still had fun overall, couple osprey sightings. Had a Tom Sawyer moment and nearly fell asleep under a tree with my hat over my face, at which point a song sparrow decided to perch directly in front of me and put on a little concert :)


Finally dragged my best friend out birdwatching with me and singlehandedly cured all his mental illnesses. Weather was terrible but the place was absolutely SWARMING with violet-green swallows that I think were just stopping by on their migration north. A domestic muscovy duck that I think belonged to a nearby house decided to come out and say hi, and my friend says it was "serving cunt."

Today I popped out for a quick lil birdwatch just to stave off death, and had my first sighting of a Western Tanager!! I nearly didn't believe it because it seemed too pretty to be real. I'm so lucky to share a planet with these creatures.